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Generales Amarre

It is a software that simplifies the work of stowage by automating the process and performing the large number of complex calculations that the Standard contemplates; The user only has to dump the data and the software does the rest.

It is an R & D & I project of the Spanish company ACF Innove, a specialists in stowage of goods under the EN 12195 Standard; Together with the Technological Institute of Aragon, this project began to be developed in 2014, which continues to grow and progress according to technology. It is currently a technology company that is responsible for integrating and evolving software.

The Technical Standard on which one works is the Standard EN 12195, Standard that is contemplated in the European Directive of 2014 of obligatory fulfillment for the Member States of the European Union. It also contemplates other standards such as EN 12642, EN 283 and ISO 1463

The transposition of the European Directive to all member countries of the European Union was mandatory in 2017 and its application as a limit since May 2018. All merchandise vehicles that travel through the territory of the European Union must comply with the Standard; This includes containers loaded in the different seaports.

Not to ensure the standard can have consequences like sanctions or immobilization of the vehicle, as well as important consequences for people and their security in roads and stores.

There are some considerations.All geometric shapes are contemplated in the software. A wide variety of packages can be modified, some have already been integrated to cater the needs of the clients. In the case of other types of merchandise such as machines, the 3D model is requested from the customer to integrate it into the software. The integration of special packages or the bulk upload of customer packages can be enhanced after valuation.

Yes, the load optimizer that is integrated in mooring solutions takes into account the different parameters that are given in terms of different merchandise variables.

It is an R & D & I project of the Spanish company ACF Innove, a specialists in stowage of goods under the EN 12195 Standard; Together with the Technological Institute of Aragon, this project began to be developed in 2014, which continues to grow and progress according to technology. It is currently a technology company that is responsible for integrating and evolving software.

Software Amarre

The software is installed on a local computer. ACF is responsible for sending the application to be installed on as many computers as necessary in the company. As mooring solutions work by service use and not by licenses, it is indifferent from what equipment is used, facilitating its use to the people involved.

Yes, although the optimal process is to work on a desktop, the software can be used with the mobile or Tablet.

The software works perfectly in Windows desktop and Android environments for tablets and mobiles. In the near future it may be used in the IOS environment.

Any person designated by the company can use the software. There is no limit of equipment to install since the software is marked by the services used. Even if the person in charge has a limited knowledge about the standard, He/She can use it easily for ACF has some tutorials available on how to use the software with those key aspects to take into account in the data.

Packages with "X" number of service uses or tokens to be issued are made available to the customer. Each expedition is unique and issues its own stowage sheet, specific and unique for that merchandise and vehicle. The different packages sold follow a scaling criteria: the more service (packages) are purchased, the cheaper the issued sheet is. With the first purchase, a contract is signed by both parties to ensure proper functioning and assume responsibilities.

Services packages are purchased before use. When there are 20% of services left, the customer will receive a reminder notice of how much service packages are left  and from there, they can decide whether to renew their purchase or to stop the service. If the client wishes to continue they  can renew automatically without having to re-sign the initial contract.


The procedure to follow are :

  • Purchase through the web
  • On the web  you can find the amarresolutions and  buy the services directly in the online store and sign the contract directly with a digital certificate. In a maximum of 48 hours, the client receives a response to install the software.
  • The second option is to send an email to to request the chosen package. ACF will then send  the contract and  send the application to be installed, as well as the chosen payment method.

The technical standard involves performing numerous physical calculations taking into account the types of packages and vehicles. At least one must have information about the vehicle and its characteristics, as well as minimum weights and dimensions of the packages and materials of the support brackets.In addition to this information, other additions are available such as incompatibilities between packages, rotation restrictions, stacking, packaging, tensile strength, etc., the software will take it into account in the distribution of the load as the mooring process.

  • Payment can be used by different means:
  • Bank Transfer in the account:
  • Credit card
  • Bank receipt
  • Paypal

The software is suitable for any company that assumes responsibility for the stowage of the merchandise; Manufacturers, shippers, carriers, logistics operators are the main target customers of the software. It is also appropriate for the realization of expert opinions that may be necessary in the course of legal proceedings.

This circumstance depends on the legislation of each country but it is common that contrary to what is usually thought, those responsible for the merchandise and its stowage are the shippers and non-carriers, unless otherwise agreed. Today, in the absence of a common guideline, the most important problems have been those related to road safety and personal and material damage due to a bad stowage and which have not always been considered as such, since these Variables have not always undergone assessment and treatment. The need so far has been determined rather by awareness and knowledge regarding the subject and the serious consequences that may arise, so in many cases it has not been seen as such.The carrier, if it has expressly agreed with the loader that is going to take care of the stowage and adequate mooring of the goods, must know in depth the technical requirements that require the operation of a good mooring of goods in order to be able to plan, proceed and show that your cargo contracted for transportation is or was well stowed. And you must also take into account that if you hire another carrier to be said company that is responsible for doing such transport, you must monitor that you fulfill these obligations of stowage and mooring, because if you do not observe them, you will also be liable for the damages caused to the goods even though it was not the person who caused them materially

Definitely not. Each expedition has its own peculiarities and any changes in the merchandise or vehicle implies a new circumstance that changes the forces to which the merchandise can be exposed and therefore the requirements changes.

The existing calculators in the market manage the charges as if it is a single package while Amarre Solutions does it individually taking into account the iterations that exist between the packages. Amarresolutions software simplifies this process to the fullest and provides a graphic image and volumetry to the process. Automate and simplify.

Today it is not mandatory to register the stowage process by means of a file for this purpose. The goodness of the record is that it gives clear instruction of the distribution of the cargo to the warehouse staff and clear, simple and concrete instructions to the people who are responsible for Amarre. In the same way, carrying a file during transport makes it easier for security forces to carry out and verify what has been done with visual inspection. It is not disposable to be required in the future.

Currently in Spanish and English but it will expand to more languages in the future.

The chosen language is the one that appears in the technological process of use and also in the stowage sheet obtained. Complementary observations are not automatically translated, so it is convenient to enter them directly.

The use of blockchain guarantees that the file issued and signed by the interveners in the operation is validated by all of them and remains unchanged. It also allows the configuration of a series of conditions through a Smart contract so that both the charger, the carrier or the recipient are aware of the fulfillment or breach of their conditions at all times.

Technical Standard EN 12195 is complex and its compliance requires extensive specialized training in complex physical calculations. With the software mooring solutions the process is automated and it is only necessary to manage some basic concepts that can be learned through video tutorials that ACF makes available for this purpose. This, notwithstanding the necessary training for those who supervise the operations and that we consider necessary regardless of the use of the software.

The order upload is possible in an automated way, with two different methods. The first is to upload the order using a template prepared for this purpose. The second method would be the integration of Amarre Solutions with the client's ERP, for which a prior assessment would be required.

When loading merchandise into software, one of the key questions is where the merchandise will travel; by road, train or ship and in what sea areas. The selection of one modality or several will give the software the necessary information to make the calculations based on this intermodality and the different forces to which the merchandise will be subjected.

Direct moorings, friction, diagonal, straight, locks, spring type.

"Amarre" works with the data offered on friction surfaces, characteristics of the packages, among many other variables. With this data you calculate the correct calculations. If the result you get does not satisfy us, we can improve to minimize the number of media by inserting anti-slip, blockages, corners, etc. And again we will get a new result in the file integrating the use of these means into the considerations and instructions.

Yes perfectly. The optimizer is an extra integrated tool to help with the distribution of the load and automate it. You can use mooring by manually loading the packages and without optimizing. The cost is different with and without the use of the optimizer.

The load optimizer allows you to obtain a load proposal based on various parameters such as the existence of various download sequences, the existence of stacking, rotation restrictions or the existence of incompatibilities between packages.

If the Amarre Solutions optimizer takes into account the vehicle in which the merchandise is to be transported, so it calculates while preserving the total weight limits and those of the respective axes.

The data is hosted in “the cloud”, that is, in a “Data Center” with high security servers, where backups are made every day. In addition, your data will travel encrypted over the internet through the secure https protocol from when they leave your computer to the destination server, so that nobody can read them.

** Here several notes. If you are about to define where you are staying ... and the theme of https is yet to be integrated: But it is what I should put in that question.

"*" indicates required fields



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